As you are likely aware, Governor Kemp has declared a State of Emergency for all 159 counties in Georgia in anticipation of Winter Weather ahead.

The “state of emergency” tool is used, often ahead of potential storms or natural disasters, to ensure ready access to resources and funds if, and when, disaster strikes. Whether we see the impacts of this storm locally or are unable to maintain “business as usual” or not, take a moment to ask yourself if you are prepared for this or any other “storm” that may present itself.
Do you have a plan? Resources? Does your team know the plan and are they able to execute it? If not, now is a great time to start preparing & planning, and the Chamber is here to help. Our temporary closure checklist is a too  l we hope you never need but is great to have on hand for those unforeseen situations whether it’s short-staffing, power outage, or worse.