The Robins Regional Chamber of Commerce Aerospace Industry Committee (AIC) in partnership with Robins AFB announces the 2016 Program Executive Officer (PEO) Review and Outlook (R&O) to be held on Thursday, 24 March 2015, 7:30AM – 5:00PM at the Museum of Aviation Century of Flight Hangar, in Warner Robins, Georgia. The purpose of the event is to support the May 2015 Air Force Strategic Master Plan: “The Air Force will invigorate the extraordinary talent resident in America’s industrial, commercial, and academic sectors by increasing communication, healthy competition, and transparency” The one day 2016 PEO R&O event is designed to inform the private sector on portfolio focus areas and acquisition forecasts that are essential for Robins AFB organizations to achieve their mission of war winning capabilities on time and on cost. The 2016 PEO R&O accomplishes this by bringing interested parties together for a series of presentations by Air Force senior leadership. Confirmed briefers include Lt Gen John Thompson, Commander of the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC/CC), and Lt Gen Lee Levy, Commander of the Air Force Sustainment Center (AFSC/CC). Eight Program Executive Officers are also expected to provide an overview of their respective portfolios to include anticipated funding as well as projected future requirement opportunities. Participants will not only have the opportunity to learn more about the capabilities of Robins AFB, but also the requirements that may be satisfied by contracts solicited and awarded to large and small businesses. Registration Attendance is open to all interested parties. All 2016 PEO R&O materials and discussions will be unclassified. Early registration price (before 26 February) is $75, then the registration cost increases to $90. Lunch is included. Current Department of Defense employees will be admitted free and may purchase lunch for $15. Additional information including the latest agenda and speakers may be found here. Questions? For information not covered on the web site, please contact the Robins Regional Chamber AIC PEO Conference Chair, David French (478) 953-6800, or the AIC Committee Chair, Lisa Frugé-Cirilli (478) 319-0179, Additional Opportunities Parties interested in the 2016 PEO R&O event may also be interested in attending the 2016 Dixie Crow Chapter of the Association of Old Crows Electronic Warfare/Information Operations (EW/IO) Symposium 41 held at the same location March 20-24, the days immediately preceding the PEO event. Click here for information and registration for the Old Crows Symposium.