You have likely noticed the 500,000-gallon-tank towering above Houston County, Georgia, with a vivid and beautiful color scheme. The patriotic design is complimented with an acronym down the pedestal, EDIMGIAFAD, which stands for “Every Day in Middle Georgia is Armed Forces Appreciation Day.”
Since 2006, Tnemec has named a Tank of the Year from hundreds of nominated tanks. Tank of the Year winners are true testaments to the creative and innovative uses of Tnemec coatings. Water tanks of all structural varieties across the nation have been named Tank of the Year. For the past decade, Tnemec’s Tank of the Year contest has found one winner from the field that rose above the competition.
Currently, our Houston County water tank is ranked #1 which means all of the other nominated communities are trying to knock us out of that position. We need your help. Go online and vote. Forward this to all of your team members, family and friends. Share the link on social media using the hastags #tankoftheyear and #ilovewatertanks. There’s only one vote per email address, so make sure you vote with every one you have. Let’s add a “Tank of the Year” award to our list of recognitions!