Last week, I had the chance to attend and present a session on leveraging technology to lead through change for 70 of my chamber peers from across the state. We had lengthy discussions about returning to in-person programming, continued critical business support, and of course, the unique challenges of providing content and connections to meet the needs of our members and communities while keeping participants comfortable and respecting individual comfort. Over these same past 10 days, our community and state have seen positive COVID cases, hospitalizations, and ICU occupancy rise to new heights.
We want to host you all again in-person. We miss seeing you! Our staff and volunteer leaders have been making all the necessary preparations to host you in person for Eggs & Issues next week; but we need to wait just a little while longer. Comparing this situation to preparing eggs, it feels like we’ve been everything from sunny side up, to hard boiled, to poached and even scrambled; but there are still important issues to be discussed. And we want to bring them to you.
After consulting with board leadership and our Eggs & Issues presenting sponsors at Synovus & Houston Healthcare, we have made the difficult decision to host our Legislative Eggs & Issues Breakfasts scheduled for July 23 and August 6 virtually. If we have learned anything this year it’s that the show WILL go on – just not always like we planned. We are still anxious to gather once again in-person for these important meetings for our members and the community, but we have also stepped up our game in the virtual space and are confident we can deliver quality programming remotely.
If you have had the chance to watch one of our Robins LIVE programs or the Virtual Candidate Forum or the State of the Base, you’ll know that there are some pretty cool things we can do on the virtual platform, and I hope you’ll still support our legislators and your chamber as we give our best effort to continue to deliver quality programming and timely information to you, our members.
Due to this late-notice change, we are offering a one-time discount if you register for both legislative events together. Individually each event is $15 for members or if you sign up for BOTH, you can register for just $25. We look forward to seeing you! Click through the link(s) below to secure your spot!