On May 22, 2018, voters in Baldwin, Crawford, Houston, Jones, Macon-Bibb, Monroe, Peach, Pulaski, Putnam, Twiggs, and Wilkinson Counties will consider a one-cent, ten-year sales tax to fund transportation projects known as TSPLOST.  The following “Fact Sheet” is a summary of information related to the TSPLOST provided by the Middle Georgia Regional Commission.  A more detailed “Frequently Asked Questions” is available here.

If approved:

  • 55 transportation projects across the region will be constructed using 75% of the funds totaling $504,558,109. The Regional Investment List is attached and found on the website.
  • every local government in middle Georgia will receive new funding for local transportation projects, totaling $159,436,712, based on a formula of population and road mileage.
  • the required match for the Local Maintenance Improvement Grant (LMIG) would be reduced from 30% to 10%.

Local governments identified 215 projects totaling $1.8 billion for consideration.  An Executive Committee of local elected officials worked with Georgia Department of Transportation to review all projects and develop a Regional Investment List.  The Regional Investment List contains several large-scale projects outlined below.

  • Completion of SR 96 from I-16 (Twiggs County) to SR 49 (Peach County)
  • Improvements to SR 247 (Houston and Pulaski Counties)
  • Improvements to US 41 (Houston)
  • Improvements to Hwy 80 (Crawford)
  • ROW / Design Sardis Church/ Sgoda Road (Macon-Bibb and Twiggs Counties)
  • Improvements to Bass Road (Macon-Bibb)
  • Improvements Montpelier / Thornton Roads (Monroe)
  • Griswoldville Industrial Park Rail Spur (Jones)
  • Improvements to Gordon McIntyre Road (Wilkinson)
  • Improvements to Log Cabin, North Jefferson and Dunlap Roads (Baldwin)
  • Construction Eatonton NE Bypass (Putnam)
  • Local Governments #1 project (smaller scale but important)

The vote for this TSPLOST will take place on May 22, 2018.  The ballot will say “Shall _______ County’s transportation system and the transportation network in this region and the state be improved by providing for a 1 percent special district transportation sales and use tax for the purpose of transportation projects and programs for a period of ten years?”The referendum will be approved if a majority of the votes cast are “yes”.  The sales tax would begin October 1, 2018, and continue for 10 years.