Robins planning to hire 200 new aircraft maintainers

Robins AFB Partnership Summit
Thursday, 22 October 2015 (0730-1230)


0730 Continental Breakfast/Registration Hangar One, Museum of Aviation
0800 Welcome Ms. April Bragg, CEO, Robins Regional Chamber
0805 Opening Remarks/Introductions Brig Gen Walt Lindsley, WR-ALC/CC
0830 Robins AFB Partnering Office Mr. David Denning, WR-ALC/OBP
0900 P4 Initiatives/Opportunities Col Dawn Lancaster, 78th ABW/CV
0920 Break  
0930 C-130 Program Overview Mr. Mike Sorial, C-130 SPO Director
1010 EW/Avionics Update Col Skip Stolz, AFLCMC/WNY Director
1030 Contracting Perspective Mr. Anthony Baumann, AFSC/PK-R Director
1045 Industry Perspective Mr. Larry Pittman, AAQ-24 Partnership, Northrop Grumman
1105 Questions/Discussions All
1125 Lunch Guest Speakers: Brig Gen Walt Lindsley, WR-ALC/CC
1225 Closing Remarks Lisa K. Frugé-Cirilli – 2015 AIC Chairman
Summit Purpose:
The purpose of the Robins Partnership Forum is to communicate, educate and foster a dialogue across a broad spectrum of stakeholders with regard to partnerships and opportunities that incentivize Robins AFB, Industry, the local community and the State of Georgia to work for the benefit of all parties.

The objective is to achieve higher levels of understanding of what Robins AFB has to offer in terms of all types of partnerships, roles and responsibilities, as well as providing a broader understanding of where community fits, how it can support and where its involvement may yield benefits from partnering with Robins AFB and each other. Further, it will explain the integration and respective responsibilities within Air Force Sustainment Center, Air Logistics Complex, the Air Base Wing/Installation and the Life Cycle Management Center with the respective Program offices.

Original article written by The Telegraph.
