Last week we gathered to celebrate the 35th anniversary of a Warner Robins institution, McCall’s. People came from all over to be a part of this milestone event. After seeing Ken tear up while recognizing his mom, the founder of the business, I was reminded just how personal business truly is – or at least the ones who really make a difference. I knew of McCall’s long before I ever moved to Warner Robins, but it wasn’t until I knew the community better did I truly understand its impact. As I stated in my remarks during the event, “McCall’s is where friends become family and handshakes melt into hugs.” Could that be said of your business? If not, how would people describe the way you make them feel? See, it’s easy to understand the importance of “your people” – your staff, your vendors; but what is perhaps even more important is how your people make other people feel when they interact with your business. THAT is where it truly becomes personal.
On January 30 we have the incredible privilege of honoring our member businesses who have been here even longer than McCall’s – businesses serving the Robins Region for FIFTY years or more. We will induct more than a dozen businesses into our Legacy Circle and spend the remainder of 2020 telling their stories through videos honoring their investment here.
Perhaps we will even learn some of the secrets of their success and longevity. Won’t you join us for this very special night as we celebrate your Chamber’s 70th anniversary? This will be a memorable night honoring our past as well as celebrating the outstanding individuals and businesses who will be recognized for the difference they are making to shape our community for the next fifty years. I hope to see you there!