Robins Reads
We understand that many in our community are working from home, trying to teach and/or entertain kids, keep them fed, keep the house clean, not stress out about COVID-19 but still stay “in the know,” and IT IS EXHAUSTING! We see you, we hear you, and we want to help. We have activated our adult and youth leadership Robins class members and alumni in a brand new movement we’re calling “Robins Reads.” The premise is simple – they record themselves reading children’s books & we post the gallery for parents and caregivers to regain a moment of sanity, or if the kids really like the video more than a few moments, while also giving our incredible leadership participants an opportunity to serve in a time where ways to help aren’t necessarily clear.
We hope you enjoy the first installment of Robins Reads. AND if you want to read a book & share it with us, we’d love to include you too! Upload your video to YouTube, Dropbox or Google Drive and share your link here OR you can also attach your video up to 5MBs through the link as well. Let’s put a little fun in this chapter of life!
Gottwals Books is sponsoring the Robins Regional Chamber of Commerce initiative known as #RobinsReads by heading up a VIRTUAL BOOK CLUB for youths ages 10-18. Gottwals Books will host an interactive online discussion with an opportunity for you to ask questions and make comments!