Small Business Resources
- Small Business Events for Advice & Inspiration
- Guide to Small Business COVID-19 Emergency Loans
- Georgia Small Business/Nonprofit COVID-19 Remote Pro Bono Clinic
- Main Street Lending Program Guide
- Independent Contractor’s Guide to CARES Act Relief
- Georgia Restaurant Association + National Restaurant Association COVID19 Reopening Guidance
- LiftFund MicroLoans for Minority & Women-owned Businesses
- Three-Step Disaster Loan Process (SBA)
- Cares Act Loan Program Summary
tools for working through crisis
- Creating a COVID-Relevant Social Media Strategy
- 4 Ways COVID-19 Changed Consumer Behavior & How You Should Pivot
- Where Can I Find PPE for my Workforce?
- 9 Ways to Create Company Culture Remotely
- Reviving a Healthy Georgia in response to COVID-19
- 5 Ways to Come Out of COVID-19 Stronger
- Maintaining a Spirit of Innovation During Difficult Times
- Community Foundation & United Way announce Central Georgia COVID-19 Response & Recovery Fund
- EEOC Updates Pandemic Guidance and Hosts Technical Assistance Webinar
US Small Business Administration
The SBA provides low-interest disaster loans to help businesses and homeowners recover from declared disasters. Georgia businesses are now approved to apply for this loan. Learn about available resources & see how this critical resource can help your business!
- Three-Step Process SBA Disaster Loans
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Small Business Guidance & Loan Resources
Office of Governor Brian Kemp
The State of Georgia has a new COVID-19 hotline. If you believe that you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have been exposed to the novel coronavirus, please contact your primary care doctor, an urgent care clinic, or your local federally qualified healthcare center. Please do not show up unannounced at an emergency room or health care facility.
Hotline: (844) 442-2681
Get updates on COVID-19 from Gov. Kemp here.
Small Business Development Center
UGA Small Business Development Centers across the state are open and available to assist small businesses impacted by current circumstances. Virtual consulting and online resources are available, please contact your local office for more information.
US Chamber of Commerce
Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE) has also created a resource library to help Chambers and businesses prepare for the impacts of COVID-19 transmission in the United States. Learn more about implementing a series of actions that minimize the impact on local communities and support the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) containment strategy.
- Guide Guide to Small Business COVID-19 Emergency Loans
- Small Business Update: December 2020 Coronavirus Relief
- State by State Business Reopening Guidance
- COVID-19 Litigation Impact Report
- Pandemic Guidance
- Interim Guidance for Businesses & Employers (Plan & Respond) CDC recommended guidance for employers, including advice for developing a response plan and steps that all employers can implement now.
- Key Planning Recommendations for Mass Gatherings
Georgia Chamber of Commerce
The Georgia Chamber is encouraging businesses and communities to make fact-based decisions and stay informed on COVID19. We will continually update this page with resources pertaining to COVID19.
SCORE is working daily to collate and disseminate information – for example, Nav and Facebook are accepting applications from small business owners for loans related to the COVID 19 situation.
SCORE Middle Georgia has suspended all face to face meetings, but we are still available for phone, email and video support. If you would like to arrange a virtual session.
The Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL) has adopted an emergency Rule 300-2-4-0.5 Partial Claims, effective March 16, 2020. The rule mandates all Georgia employers to file partial claims online on behalf of their employees for any week during which an employee (full-time/part-time) works less than full-time due to a partial or total company shutdown caused by the COVID-19 public health emergency. Any employer found to be in violation of this rule will be required to reimburse GDOL for the full amount of unemployment insurance benefits paid to the employee. Download the How Employers File Partial Claims Desk-Aid found on the GDOL Alert Page and follow the step-by-step instructions.
Family First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) FAQs
The IRS has a special webpage, Coronavirus Tax Relief at, that focuses on steps to help taxpayers, businesses and others affected by the coronavirus. This page will be updated as new information is available and is in English and Spanish.
Constangy created a Coronavirus Resource Center for Employers. It contains useful summaries of recent guidance, links to helpful resources, a coronavirus attorney task force, and a FAQ section. Please be aware that substantial changes in the governmental guidance and even in the underlying laws are occurring on almost a daily basis, which will impact the analysis of the legal issues related to COVID-19. It is critical that you check the Center often for the most recent information and stay in continual contact with the employment lawyer of your choice.
ThinkHR has created a free webpage for all employers in response to COVID-19. ThinkHR created this webpage for all employers who may be feeling isolated and want to ensure everyone that they’re not alone. ThinkHR and Mammoth have been fielding thousands of coronavirus-related questions from business owners and are jointly making these essential COVID-19 resources available for free to all employers in need.